I often provide clients assistance with planning and creating their marketing content, particularly around their monthly e-newsletter or e-marketing for property management.
While we have content and ideas galore to fill the newsletters, it is the execution and delivery of a regular, ongoing successful newsletter by the business (one that actually grabs people’s attention, has a purpose and keeps them reading each month) that is the challenge.
The concept of the newsletter has become somewhat washed out in our digital age (much like the plethora of junk mail and pamphlets that go straight from the letterbox into my recycling bin each week).
That concept has stretched now to our emails where I can’t even tell you how many newsletters, updates, blogs and specials, come in each morning (when did I sign up for all this stuff?).
Today I had more than 30 new emails of this nature. What happened to most of them? Terminal deletion – never to be seen again.
A consumer will often see similar subject lines and the same content over and over again and become naturally bored, closed off and less likely to open the email at all. I’m sure you don’t want this for your e-newsletter and e-marketing that you are putting time into creating, so it is important before pressing send each month to put yourself in your readers’ shoes and consider:
- Would you want to receive your newsletter?
- Would you open it?
- Would you read it?
- What benefit would you get out of it?
- Does it educate, inform and excite?
- Would you pass it on or share it with friends and family?
- Would it direct you to do more business with you?
- Would it strengthen your relationship?
- Does it direct traffic to your website?
- Who is it targeting? Landlords? Tenants? Does it need to be segregated?
Consider, what is the outcome you want from your newsletter? (To educate? Drive new leads? To portray yourselves as the expert? Or just for the sake of it because someone said you should?) Consider if a newsletter is the best way to achieve this outcome.
If you want to have one in place, building and developing a regular ongoing successful e-newsletter doesn’t have to be a cumbersome process. In fact, it could be far more simplified if you have a plan.
It doesn’t have to be rocket science, you can even get help to create your content plan or the content itself. If you need help or advice, get in touch.