I am hearing from a number of my property management clients having to deal with very cranky and seemingly unreasonable clients lately.
I truely feel that with everything going on in the world right now that we are seeing more people that are on edge, they are nervous, fed up and over it. Aren’t we all?
And so I think that we are experiencing a lot of clients who are also at the end of their tether and so their responses seem unreasonable and unpredictable.
So what can we do? Should we throw our hands up in the air and give up?
Or should we find a sweet spot between empathy and patience and sit in a place of compassion and understanding for what everyone is going through right now.
I mean everyone is going through a lot in life regardless of the current global situation so I feel the current situation just compounds on top of that.
If we can try to remain in a state of compassion it can allow us to be more supportive to our clients and those around us, and hopefully maintain those relationships through this tricky time.
It can be hard to stay compassionate when you, yourself are tired and over it, but if we take a deep breath, and consider maybe we don’t know what it’s like in their shoes right now, we can start to shift into this space.
What do you think, are you feeling the pressure of cranky clients or people in your life? How are you handling it?
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