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Writer's pictureHermione Gardiner

Finding More Balance in the Property Management Hustle

Greetings from the home office (though, I’d much rather be soaking up some sun somewhere, wouldn’t you? ☀️). As the demands and expectations of property management keep rolling in, I’ve noticed a common theme among us all:

“How are we managing to keep it all together?”

Between tenant issues, property inspections, lease renewals, and trying to have a personal life… how do you balance it all?

Let me be upfront—I’m not here to sell you on the idea that everything can be perfectly balanced (because, let’s be real, it can't).

Life has its ups and downs, and in our industry, that’s probably an understatement. But I can share with you a few ways my clients and I are navigating through the chaos of property management business growth:

1. Balance Means Accepting the Imbalance

I keep hearing people say they want more balance. The truth is, you can’t do it all at once. Sometimes, certain areas of your life need more attention than others. This changes all the time, as in, every single day.

Real talk: we need to stop pretending like we can all create a perfectly balanced life because all that does is set us up for failure, disappointment, and eventual resentment.

If you find yourself wanting more balance, ask yourself: what would that look like? What steps would I need to take to create that? And what will I need to sacrifice or say no to in order to allow that?

Right now, I’m saying “no” more often—turning down opportunities and requests that don’t align with my top priorities. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary. Hello, boundaries!

I know saying no to work or clients isn’t always possible, but maybe it’s about offering alternative times or strategic property management solutions to stay in control of your time and focus on what’s important to you right now.

2. Be Present Where You Are

Ever feel like you’re spinning in circles, trying to be everywhere at once? It’s exhausting. The guilt sets in when you’re focused on lease renewals or a big project, but the email inbox is piling up, or when you’re at home with the kids thinking about work.

Here’s a little trick: wherever you are, be there fully. If you’re working on your portfolio or business, focus on that. If you’re home with your family, let work wait. Everything else can be handled in its own time, so let it go. Your stress levels will thank you, and you’ll find more property management efficiency in your workday.

3. Lean On Your Support System

We can’t do this alone. Whether it’s a trusted team, a supportive partner, or a reliable friend, having someone to share the load is key. I’ve made it a point to build a solid team that I can trust to handle the day-to-day when I need to step back, and I have some awesome business besties I chat with each day.

If you’re thinking, “I can’t afford extra help right now,” consider getting creative. Could you time-swap duties with a fellow property manager? Or lean on technology to automate some of the tasks that drain your time? There are ways to lighten your load without breaking the bank—think of it as investing in property management best practices

4. Stack Your Workdays

Here’s a tip I’ve found incredibly freeing: batch your tasks. I’ve started stacking my days, dedicating specific times to client calls and out-of-office appointments, leaving the rest of the week open for other business responsibilities. This reduces the constant switch between tasks and allows for more focused work (and, let’s face it, a little more breathing room). This method is crucial for improving property management productivity and maintaining your sanity.

5. Remember, Property Management Isn’t Life or Death

I remember 10 years ago when I was managing a busy city portfolio, and one day I had an absolute meltdown. Between rude customers, a crazy schedule, and an overflowing inbox… I ran into the office kitchen and burst into tears.

My manager came in and lovingly told me to pull myself together. I’ll never forget what she said to me:

“You’re not a brain surgeon. No one is dead, and no one is going to die if you make a mistake on the job. It’s really not that big a deal… you’re managing properties.”

That has stuck with me ever since. So often, when I feel stressed and overwhelmed, I remind myself that this is not life or death. No one is going to get harmed if I make a mistake, take a couple of weeks off social media, get back to someone a bit late, or have to deal with some conflict.

At the end of the day, we chose this career for a reason—maybe it was the challenge, the people, or the flexibility. But let's remember we can do this in a way that brings more balance, more peace, and more fulfilment.

Cheers to finding that sweet spot in the hustle


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